Sunday, 16 March 2014

How To Change Blogspot Address to Custom Domain from Go Daddy

How To Change Blogspot Address to Custom Domain from Go Daddy

Blogger has feature to allow the user changing his/her blog address to the custom domain .com .net .org ..etc. User only change the domain name and do not need to think about hosting, for hosting still using blogger.
 After change, when visitor still come to (old) Blogspot address, then will  auto redirect to the new custom domain. for example : my blog address is , when someone go to that address then will  redirect to my domain So don't worry to lose visitors.

There are many Internet domain registrars, one is Go Daddy, you can easy buy domain name from there.
Here I will tell you setting the DNS (Domain Name System) of Go daddy to change the blogspot address to custom domain.

Assuming you already have a domain name from Godaddy ( go to to get yours).

• Login to your Blogger
• Go to Setting menu, choose Basic
• On Publishing menu, click Add a custom domain
• In Advanse setting, type your domain.
• Then click setting intructions ,  setting instruction will show the code to be entered on DNS setting.

• Will be a warning to leave the page, click  Leave this page 
The instruction page will appear,
(captured example below is for my domain,
The information will be needed for  DNS setting in GoDaddy.
For security, the second Cname record will different depends on name of domain 

• Login to your Go Daddy,  go to the Domain section, and choose your domain. ( see figure)

• Go to DNS Manager

• Click Edit Zone
• Delete existing www on CNAME Record
• Delete existing entry in A Record
• Add new CNAME Record, click Add record
• Choose CNAME (Alias) , click OK
• Type www in Alias Name
• Type in Points to Host Name
• Click OK
• Add a new CNAME Record again, click Add record like step above
• See the setting instructions from Blogger (step  above) to entry this CNAME Record because will different for each domain name.
Adding A Records
• Click Add Record
• Record type  choose : A (Host)
• Host Name :  @
• Points to IP Address :
• Click OK
• Add other A Records Point to IP Address :
• You can use Quick Add to make easy entry.
• Click Save Zone File, to save configuration.
• To check whether DNS setting already update on internet or not, you can check with ping command, from command prompt.
• Go to RUN Command (Ctrl+R) , type CMD click OK or enter, then command prompt will appear.
• type:  ping YourDomain   press Enter
example :
ping   press Enter
If already update, will be  reply from google IP address.
• Also check for Naked domain (without www)
ping   press Enter
If already update, will be  reply from google IP address (reply from 1 of 4 IP Addresses in A Records)
Setting in Blogger

• After both (www and without www) got reply on ping command, now you can go back to Blogger , in Publishing section (step 1 above).

• Enter the domain name then click Save
• To reach your blog when user uses naked domain (without www, because blogger not support naked domain) we have to set redirect naked domain to www.
• Click Edit
• Mark/Check Redirect option 
• Klick Save
Your Blog is now already in your domain name.

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